Wleness - Explore Effective Strategies to Overcome Depression

Your Guide to healing and Happiness to rise above Depression

Feeling sad is a common experience, but when it lasts longer, it may signal depression. From overwhelming sadness to a loss of interest in activities, the signs of depression can be different and challenging.

At Wleness, our mental wellness services are designed to support you through this journey, offering guidance through the best psychiatrists, and strategies to regain happiness.

Here's How Generalized

Depression symptoms May Appear

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    Facing Difficulty in concentrating

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    Persistent Sadness and Feelings of worthlessness

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    Loss of interest in once-loved activities

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    Changes in appetite or weight

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    Fatigue or low-energy

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    Trouble falling asleep or staying awake

The Wleness Way of Depression Treatment

At Wellness Way, we believe in a holistic approach to treating depression, focusing on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Our team of India’s top therapists and psychiatrists is dedicated to providing you with personalised care and support.


Wleness Community

Join our community and discover a network of understanding hearts where support flows freely, and compassion knows no bounds. Here, you'll find comfort, encouragement, and a sense of belonging as we walk hand in hand through life's ups and downs

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Over 80% of people with depression can experience significant improvement through therapy, medication, or a combination of both