Yoga is a path to feeling better in both your body and mind

Exploring Mind Harmony Through Yoga

Yoga is a path to feeling better in both your body and mind. Regular yoga makes you less stressed, more mindful, and balances your life. Start your journey with yoga for a refreshed body, calm mind, and a more harmonious life.

Book Your Yoga Sessions

Let's embark on a journey to explore various types of yoga poses, guiding us toward inner harmony.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga, rooted in ancient Indian traditions, blends asanas and pranayama for physical and mental well-being, emphasizing balance, alignment, and mindfulness.

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga

Dynamic Ashtanga yoga, rooted in ancient Indian traditions, combines poses with breath and movement, prioritizing strength, flexibility, stamina, guided by Tristhana principles for purification and inner stillness.

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga aids weight loss with systematic postures, breath control, and mindfulness. Vinyasa and Power Yoga burn calories, while mindfulness addresses emotional eating.

Breathe and Mindfullness

Breathe and Mindfullness

Mindful breathing, essential to mindfulness, centers on conscious breath observation for present-moment stability, fostering calm awareness, enhancing clarity, reducing stress, and promoting mindfulness.

Therapeutic yoga

Therapeutic yoga

Therapeutic yoga blends yoga with medical science, addressing holistic health. Tailored to individual needs, it uses asanas, breathwork, and meditation for healing and well-being.

Yoga for women

Yoga for women

Transformative yoga for women addresses unique needs, with tailored sequences promoting strength, flexibility, balance, mindfulness, and relaxation for holistic well-being and empowerment.

Grab Your Monthly Pass

Subscribe to our monthly plan and enjoy hassle-free yoga sessions at your convenience. Experience the ease of maintaining your well-being with regular, guided practices delivered right to your doorstep, all at just Rs 1499. Join us today for a stress-free path to a healthier you! Perks

Monthly Subscription

Monthly Subscription

  • 20 minutes of yoga philosophy for managing thoughts and emotions.
  • 30 minutes of step-by-step asanas from Hatha and Ashtanga styles.
  • Guided pranayama and meditation.
  • 10 minutes of doable, healthy lifestyle tips.
  • Straightforward strategies for navigating life's ups and downs.
  • Engaging teaching methods using exercises, stories, and analogies.
  • Learn how foods can enhance yoga practice and prevent illnesses.
  • A highly nutritious plant-based diet for daily energy.
  • Backup of sessions for missed classes.
  • Access to recorded sessions for catching up and maximizing benefits.

@ Rs.1499

Rs. 2499

Your Guided Yoga Path

A 20-day program designed to make yoga accessible and enjoyable for you. With expert guidance, you'll explore relaxation, strength-building, and mindfulness, guiding a fulfilling mental and physical wellness journey.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Day 1

Yoga Session:- Yoga For Thyroid

Day 2

Yoga Session:- Yoga For Diabetes

Day 3

Yoga Session:- Yoga For Hypertension

Day 4

Yoga Session:- Yoga For PCOS

Day 5

Knowledge Time : Talk on Ashtanga yoga


Benefits of Yoga

Benefits of yoga

What Our Happy Clients Say

Vinod Das Teacher

Vinod Das


I was prescribed by my doctor to do yoga for my body pains. Wleness yoga sessions best suited me. The guided sessions are easy to follow, making it easy and unique for a beginner like me. It has effectively helped me not only with my pains but also relieved me from the season change cough and cold.

Akshay Konde Digital Marketer

Akshay Konde

Digital Marketer

Wleness group sessions made yoga a social and enjoyable experience. Experiencing the practice with others made me feel confident. I love how the instructor encourages interaction and support among participants.

Vaishnav Diwate Graphics Designer

Vaishnav Diwate

Graphics Designer

The stress relief from yoga is real! The sessions with Wleness focus on both physical and mental well-being. It's amazing how a simple practice can have such a positive impact on my overall stress levels.

Deepika Kumbharkar Finance Manager

Deepika Kumbharkar

Finance Manager

Wleness provides a unique blend of effective stress relief and enjoyable group sessions. The simplicity of the exercises make it accessible for everyone, especially people like me who are total beginners. It has become my daily routine now.