Wleness - Embrace Quality Care Navigating Bipolar Disorder with Support

Embrace Quality Care Navigating Bipolar Disorder with Support

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings, encompassing periods of elevated energy and mood (mania) and depressive episodes.

These fluctuations can significantly impact daily functioning and well-being.

Here's How Generalized

Bipolar Disorder symptoms May Appear

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    Intense Euphoria and Energy

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    Severe Irritability or Agitation

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    Decreased Need for Sleep

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    Changes in Appetite and Weight

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    Grandiose Beliefs or Ideas

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    Hopelessness and Fatigue

The Wleness Way of Bipolar Disorder Management

Indulge in a rejuvenating journey towards tranquillity with our comprehensive bipolar disorder treatment program at the healthcare center, where relaxation and well-being intertwine.


Wleness Community

Join our community and discover a network of understanding hearts where support flows freely, and compassion knows no bounds. Here, you'll find comfort, encouragement, and a sense of belonging as we walk hand in hand through life's ups and downs

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Up to 60% of individuals with bipolar disorder experience co-occurring substance abuse. Seeking help can address these complex challenges.